Clean water and hygienic toilets for the primary school in Mayowe Kenya

 Mayowe Primary School is a public primary school in Jaribuni near the town of Kilifi, Kenya. 17 teachers and assistants currently teach 520 children. The school and outbuildings are of the most basic standard. WatSanAid is planning better sanitary facilities and a water supply to improve hygiene. This facility is being built with the support of the Swiss NGO Watoto-Goshene as the local construction manager.
It is planned that part of the new toilet facilities can also be used by the population in the neighbourhood of the school.                                                                   

The existing WC facilities

4 WCs for the girls

2 WCs for the boys

The planning and construction of approx. 20 new hygienic toilets including water supply is in preparation.

A hole in the floor as a toilet